Select FileMust be a FLUX-Task file with the .fc file extension, or a .hrfcode file extension, or a G-code file


About This Tool

The FLUX Beamo is a laser cutter/engraver that uses a Raspberry Pi as half of its brain. The Beam Studio software generates ".fc" files and sends it over to the Pi for each job. The fc file format is proprietary and doesn't look like the G-code that a GRBL laser control circuit would understand. But the microSD card on the Pi had some source code on it that I could read to figure out the fc file format. If you want to dig for it yourself, look for "", "device_fsm.cpp", "", and "". The code is outdated, more recent firmware updates do not include source code anymore, but the old code remains.

When you use Beam Studio, you can export your "FLUX Task" file and put it into this tool. The results will be converted to a file that's human readable. You may make edits to this file and then convert it back into a FLUX-Task file. I made up this syntax!

How is this useful? This tool will allow you to fine tune the speed and power of a particular move command, make repeated moves only in one spot, and other similar things that makes a job more efficient.

This tool does NOT "run on the cloud", everything is done locally, nothing is uploaded, there's no "server". This means there are no privacy concerns for you! Don't believe me? This page is completely open source! Check the code yourself! (right-click and click "view source", it's also on GitHub)

Converting G-code to a FLUX-Task file should also be possible but it's not worth the effort. There are special circumstances from a G-code file that would not work well when translated for use with FLUX. This tool does support some G-code commands, but not all of them.

Author of this tool: Frank Zhao (www)
I like the Beamo! I'm hacking around it to push a "entry level" device to the limits! Read my review about it.